SA Guild of Actors

A Powerful, Unified Voice for Actors' Rights

What is SAGA?

Why the need for a South African Guild of Actors?

The South African Guild of Actors (SAGA) is the foremost organisation representing actors in the film, television, stage, commercial and corporate sectors in South Africa. The Guild exists to enhance actors’ working conditions, compensation and benefits and to be a powerful, unified voice on behalf of artists’ rights.


Jack Devnarain

National Chair

Adrian Galley

Vice Chair

Carlynn de Waal-Smit

Carlynn de Waal-Smit
National Secretary/Treasurer

Daniel Janks

Daniel Janks
National Legal Liaison

Thoko Ntshinga

Thoko Ntshinga
Vice Secretary Cape Town

Londiwe Shange

Londiwe Shange
Vice Secretary Durban

Hungani Ndlovu

Media and Communications

Nambitha Mpumlwana


Jaqcues Adriaanse

Jaqcues Adriaanse

Administration and Support

Diakanyo Huma

Diakanyo Huma
General Enquiries

Siyabonga Mngoma

Siyabonga Mngoma
Special Projects

Kelly Kropman

Kelly Kropman
Legal Counsel

Jack Devnarain

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SAGA is incorporated as a Section 21 Company, and is registered with the Department of Social Development as a non-profit organisation (NPO). The decision to incorporate in this manner was a strategic one which ensures that all of the funds collected are used for the Guild’s primary aim of furthering the interests of actors, thereby serving the public purpose of promoting the arts.

The legislation and regulations governing both Section 21 Companies and non-profit organisations ensure that the Board will always remain accountable to the members of the Guild:

  • An annual audit ensures transparency and accountability to members regarding how their fees are allocated and how the organisation is run
  • In addition, a Section 21 Company may not pay dividends, while a Non-Profit Organisation is prohibited from making any payments to its members other than for specific services that may be rendered to the organisation

Apart from helping to ensure clean corporate governance, registration as an NPO has further benefits:

  • Accountability to a public office improves the credibility of the sector
  • The organisation has been brought into a formal system
  • The Guild is better positioned to assist the industry in becoming organised
  • Improved access to possible tax incentives and funding opportunities

SAGA’s legal status ensures that all income generated through fund-raising initiatives, grants, donations and members’ dues are applied towards improving the industry, the working environment and ultimately the lives of actors.

Our Vision

The South African Guild of Actors (SAGA) aims to be the foremost organisation representing actors in the film, television, stage, commercials and corporate sectors in South Africa. The Guild exists to enhance actors’ working conditions, compensation and benefits and to be a powerful, unified voice on behalf of artists’ rights.

Our Mission Statement

The Guild in line with its constitution, seeks to:

  • Regulate relations between actors and producers or producers’ organisations in film, television, theatre or commercials;
  • Promote and protect the interests of its members;
  • Plan and organise its administration and lawful activities;
  • Co-operate with or join local or international organisations, where it is in the interests of SAGA to do so;
  • Promote, support or oppose any proposed legislative or other measures affecting the interests of its members;
  • Use every legitimate means to induce actors to become members;
  • Provide legal assistance to members in connection with their contracts with film/television/theatre/commercial producers;
  • Encourage the settlement of disputes between members and film/television/theatre/commercial producers or organisations of such through conciliation, mediation or arbitration;
  • Organise and represent members of SAGA for the purpose of collective bargaining;
  • Undertake such lawful actions as may appear to be in the interests of SAGA and its members and which are not inconsistent with the objects or any matter specifically provided for in its Constitution;
  • Borrow, invest, lend, subscribe or donate money for the furtherance of the objects of SAGA;
  • Establish educational, social and charitable enterprises for the general welfare and advancement of SAGA members;

We aim to operate at an international level through the International Federation of Actors, the International Committee for Artistic Freedom and through agreements with sister organisations throughout the world.

Our History

On the 23rd February 2009 an open meeting was held at the Johannesburg Civic Actor’s Centre to discuss the formation of such a body. The meeting was organised by Carlynn de Waal-Smit, an agent, Stacy Koma, an actress and lawyer, and Zane Meas an actor, who chaired the meeting. Over 150 actors and technicians attended this meeting. A subsequent meeting was held in Cape Town and the birth of the South African Guild of Artists was realised. A follow-up meeting was held to elect interim officials who would register SAGA as a trade union. It was debated at this meeting if SAGA should represent all artists or just look to the needs of actors. The decision to only represent actors was adopted at the first sitting of the Interim Board.


Significant Milestones

  • On the 23rd of February an open meeting resolves to establish an Actors’ Guild
  • On the 17th of June SAGA joins the South African Screen Federation (SASFED)
  • On the 23rd of July SAGA adopts its constitution
  • On the 17th of June SAGA enters into a strategic alliance with UASA
  • In December SAGA meets in London and New York with FIA, British Equity and SAG
  • On the 20th of April SAGA registers as a Section 21 Company with the CIPC
  • From the 25th to the 30th of September SAGA is invited to become a full member of FIA at the Toronto Congress
  • On the 27th of September SAGA attends first meeting as a delegate of AfroFIA alongside Cameroon, Ghana, Madagascar and Morocco
  • FIA agrees to fund Capacity Building projects for the next 5 years (Renewed until 2022)
  • On the 19th of April SAGA registers as an NPO Department of Social Development
  • From the 28th of April SAGA hosts delegates from AfroFIA in Johannesburg for 5 days
  • On the 25th of September SAGA delegate attends FIA meeting in Paris
  • From the 13th to the 14th of November SAGA hosts FIA workshops in Johannesburg and Cape Town
  • On the 21st of May SAGA becomes a SARS accredited Public Benefit Organisation (PBO)
  • From the 2nd to the 6th of November SAGA hosts FIA workshops in Johannesburg and Cape Town
  • On the 19th of May the SAGA Constitution is revised 
  • In June SAGA is invited to join the DTI Technical Working group for CAB and PPAB
  • From the 22nd to the 25th of September a SAGA delegation attends FIA Congress in São Paulo, Brazil
  • Between the 14th and 28th of October SAGA hosts FIA workshops in Johannesburg and Cape Town focusing on CAB and PPAB
  • From the 18th and 25th of March ACTRA hosts SAGA delegation in Toronto for meetings with FIA, investigating CMO for actors’ royalty collection
  • On the 26th of June SAGA enters into an MOU with SWIFT
  • On the 27th of February SAGA signs an MOU with PMA agents’ body
  • On the 27th of August SAGA signs an MOU with digital publication – Actor Spaces
  • On the 13th of September SAGA follows up on written submissions to PARLIAMENT with a presentation to the Portfolio Committee of the DTI on PPAB AND CAB
  •  In October SAGA delegation conducts CMO research, visiting British Equity in London, STIM in Sweden and KODA in Denmark
  • On the 12th of November UASA agreement revised as SAGA takes over legal services that fall outside of Labour Law
  • On the 28th and 29th of November SAGA hosts FIA workshops in Johannesburg
  • On the 30th of November SAGA retains Kropman Attorneys for comprehensive LEGAL support for freelance actors
  • On the 4th of December SAGA signs an MOU with SAPAMA agents in Cape Town
  • Over the 4th and 5th of February SAGA delegation attends DAC Film Summit in Johannesburg
  • On the 1st of April SAGA and UASA host a meeting of industry bodies to explore a Collective Bargaining Forum
  • On the 31st of May SAGA hosts a follow-up meeting on establishing a Collective Bargaining Forum
  • From the 9th to the 12th of June SAGA delegation represents FIA at WIPO conference in Nairobi Kenya
  • On the 1st of November a Collective Bargaining Forum report-back from stakeholders
  • On the 11th of December the Labour Minister publishes notice Number R1591 in Government Gazette – intention to regulate the entertainment industry
  • On the 11th of February SAGA makes submission to DEL regarding statutory protection for Freelance Actors
  • On the 27th of February a SAGA delegation meets with DEL at NEDLAC, and SAGA meets with DEL via TEAMS platform due to COVID regulations
  • On the 17th of July SAGA makes further submission to DEL via FEDUSA requesting a Sectoral Determination
  • On the 15th of February the Theatre and Dance Alliance (TADA) is established with SAGA as a founding member
  • On the 14th of April SAGA engages with SWIFT in developing intimacy protocols
  • On the 15th of September SAGA engages with SASFED to create COVID-19 protocols
  • On the 31st of January SAGA signs MOU with SASA (Stunts Association)
  • On the 6th of July SAGA signs MOU with OSCASA (extras’ casting agents)
  • In October a SAGA delegation attends FIA Youth Working Group in London
  • From the 13th to the 17th of February a SAGA delegation represents AfroFIA at ILO Conference in Geneva, Switzerland
  • On the 17th of July SAGA signs MOU with IDAA (Independent Directors’ Association)
  • On the 18th of July SAGA severs ties with UASA – effective 1 November 2023
  • On the 31st of July SAGA signs MOU with SAFREA (Media Freelancers)
  • From the 26th to the 29th of September SAGA attends FIA Executive meeting in Istanbul
  • On the 18th of April Chairman Jack Devnarain presents to the SCC of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) on AI and the impact on actors

February 2009

On the 23rd an open meeting resolves to establish an Actors’ Guild

23rd of February 2009

An open meeting resolves to establish an Actors’ Guild

17th of June 2009

SAGA joins the South African Screen Federation (SASFED)

23rd of July 2009

SAGA adopts its constitution

17th of June 2010

SAGA enters into a strategic alliance with UASA

  • In December of 2011 SAGA meets in London and New York with FIA, British Equity and SAG (Carlynn de Waal-Smit)
20th of April 2012

SAGA registers as a Section 21 Company with the CIPC

25th to the 30th of September 2012

SAGA invited to become a full member of FIA  at the Toronto Congress (Carlynn de Waal-Smit)

  • On the 27th of September 2012 SAGA attends first meeting as a delegate of AfroFIA alongside Cameroon, Ghana, Madagascar and Morocco
  • In 2013 FIA agrees to fund Capacity Building projects for the next 5 years (Renewed until 2022)
19th of April 2013

SAGA registers as an NPO Department of Social Development

  •  From the 28th of April to the 2nd of May 2013 SAGA hosts delegates from AfroFIA in Johannesburg
  • On the 25th of September 2014 SAGA delegate attends FIA meeting in Paris
  • From the 13th to the 14th of November 2014 SAGA hosts FIA workshops in Johannesburg and Cape Town
21st of May 2015

SAGA becomes a SARS accredited Public Benefit Organisation  (PBO)

  • From the 2nd to the 6th of November 2015 SAGA hosts FIA workshops in Johannesburg and Cape Town
9th of May 2016

The SAGA Constitution is revised

  • From the 22nd to the 25th of September 2016 a SAGA delegation attends FIA Congress in São Paulo, Brazil (Jack Devnarain, Carlynn de Waal-Smit)
  • From June to November 2016 SAGA is invited to join the DTI Technical Working group for CAB and PPAB 
  • Between the 14th and 28th of October 2016 SAGA hosts FIA workshops in Johannesburg and Cape Town focusing on CAB and PPAB
  • From the 18th and 25th of March 2017 ACTRA hosts SAGA delegation in Toronto for meetings with FIA, investigating CMO for actors’ royalty collection (Jack Devnarain, Carlynn de Waal-Smit, Adrian Galley)
26th of June 2017

SAGA enters into an MOU with SWIFT

27th of February 2018

SAGA signs an MOU with PMA agents’ body

27th of August 2018

SAGA signs an MOU with digital publication - Actor Spaces

13th of September 2018

SAGA follows up on written submissions to PARLIAMENT with a presentation to the Portfolio Committee of the DTI on PPAB AND CAB

  • In October of 2018 SAGA delegation conducts CMO research, visiting British Equity in London, STIM in Sweden and KODA in Denmark. (Jack Devnarain, Carlynn de Waal-Smit)
12th of November 2018

UASA agreement revised as SAGA takes over legal services that fall outside of Labour Law

30th of November 2018

SAGA retains Kropman Attorneys for comprehensive LEGAL support for freelance actors

  • On the 28th and 29th of November 2018 SAGA hosts FIA workshops in Johannesburg
4th of December 2018

SAGA signs an MOU with SAPAMA agents in Cape Town

  • Over the 4th and 5th of February 2019 SAGA delegation attends DAC Film Summit in Johannesburg
1st of April 2019

SAGA and UASA host a meeting of industry bodies to explore a Collective Bargaining Forum

  • On the 31st of May 2019 SAGA hosts a follow-up meeting on establishing a Collective Bargaining Forum
  • From the 9th to the 12th of June 2019 SAGA delegation represents FIA at WIPO conference in Nairobi Kenya.
  • On the 1st of November 2019 Collective Bargaining Forum report-back from stakeholders
11th of December 2019

Labour Minister publishes notice Number R1591 in Government Gazette – intention to regulate the entertainment industry

11th of February 2020

SAGA makes submission to DEL regarding statutory protection for Freelance Actors

27th of February 2020

SAGA delegation meets with DEL at NEDLAC, and SAGA meets with DEL via TEAMS platform due to COVID regulations

17th of July 2020

SAGA makes further submission to DEL via FEDUSA requesting a Sectoral Determination

15th of February 2021

Theatre and Dance Alliance (TADA) is established with SAGA as a founding member

  • On the 14th of April 2021 SAGA engages with SWIFT in developing intimacy protocols
  • On the 15th September 2021 SAGA engages with SASFED to create COVID-19 protocols
31st of January 2022

SAGA signs MOU with SASA (Stunts Association)

6th of July 2022

SAGA signs MOU with OSCASA (extras’ casting agents)

  • In October of 2022 SAGA delegation attends FIA Youth Working Group in London
  • From the 13th to the 17th of February 2023 SAGA delegation represents AfroFIA at ILO Conference in Geneva, Switzerland (Jack Devnarain, Carlynn de Waal-Smit) (Londiwe Shange, Carlynn de Waal-Smit)
17th of July 2023

SAGA signs MOU with IDAA (Independent Directors’ Association)

18th of July 2023

SAGA severs ties with UASA – effective 1 November 2023

31st of July 2023

SAGA signs MOU with SAFREA (Media Freelancers)

POPI - Privacy Policy

You hereby declare and confirm that you, as the SAGA Member providing information, do hereby irrevocably agree and understand that any/all information supplied or given to SAGA, is done so in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPI Act) including any amendments.

SAGA may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information while you are registered as a member for the purposes of administration and organisational requirements. The information we hold may include but is not limited to; your legal and professional name, email address, a home, postal or other physical address, other contact information, cv, photograph(s), your title, birth date, gender, race.

Your information will be accessed by SAGA employees and Executive Committee on password and anti-virus protected computers, stored in the cloud or on password protected servers managed by a third-party service provider, which may be located outside of South Africa.

Where SAGA shares your information, we will take all precautions to ensure that the third party will be POPI complaint and will treat your information with the same level of protection and confidentiality required by the POPI Act. Should you no longer be a member, your information will be kept for no longer than 10 years upon which the SAGA information officer will delete your personal information. Particular information such as name and phone number may be kept for longer for record keeping purposes.

Membership Benefits

Networking Events

We host regular in-person events to promote collaboration within the industry. SAGA members of all tiers are invited to attend. Click here to be notified about upcoming events in your area.

Conferences and Seminars

SAGA collaborates with international and local affiliates as well as veterans of the industry who are able to share their knowledge and experience with novice and experienced actors alike. We encourage all membership tiers to take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about our craft and the future of our multifaceted industry.

Webinars and Online Courses

SAGA hosts skills development and Actor-vism workshops and panel discussions. We hold 2-3 events each month. Click here to be notified about upcoming online events. Each announcement has a convenient link to register for Zoom, and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Stay tuned in for the launch of our skills portal, where SAGA members can access our extensive back catalogue of webinars and other exclusive e-learning content.

Workshops and Classes

The in-person workshops and classes hosted by SAGA are an invaluable resource, allowing actors to grow their knowledge and improve their craft. Student and Associate Members are encouraged to attend but even Full Members with decades of professional experience will be able to keep abreast of current trends.

Legal Advice / Contract Assistance

SAGA has decades of combined institutional knowledge to mobilise in support of Student and Associate Members, offering professional advice and assistance in contractual matters.

Comprehensive Legal Support

The Guild has retained the services of Kropman and Associates who ensure that our advocacy efforts are legally sound and robust. Full SAGA members requiring legal support in connection with their professional activities are able to call on our team of dedicated legal practitioners.

Theatre Ticket Discounts

SAGA is finalising agreements with select theatres to offer ticket discounts to our members.

25% off IMDbPro

IMDbPro is an essential tool for any professional actor, not only to curate one’s own professional profile on the platform, but also to keep in touch with colleagues and be made aware of potential future projects.

As a Full Member of SAGA you save on an IMDbPro subscription what you pay in your yearly SAGA membership fees so “why not get a free SAGA membership with your IMDbPro subscription?”

Email to receive your IMDbPro discount code.

Funeral Benefit

SAGA has secured an automatic R10 000 funeral benefit from 1Life Insurance, with ancillary benefits, for Full Members. It covers the member’s own life, that of his/her spouse, and up to six dependents.

50% off Capital Legacy Will and Estate Planning

Don’t let the hidden costs of winding up your estate burden your loved ones unnecessarily. Protect your assets in death as you do in life. As a Full Member of SAGA you get an exclusive 50% off of the costs of winding up your estate with this special ‘Capital Legacy Group Coreplan’. Give your family the peace of mind they deserve.

Voting Eligibility

The SAGA Executive Committee is made up of Full Members who are professionals in the industry. Only Full Members may vote in SAGA elections and other important guild matters, and are themselves eligible to bear office.

Certified Professional Actor

Secure your Professional Designation

Professional actors are eligible to apply for a South African Qualifications Authority certification in recognition of their skills and practice in the industry. SAGA has spearheaded this recognition of actors as professionals: the Certified Actor professional designation is a prestigious acknowledgement of the craft and skillset of the professional actor.

If you have a degree or advanced diploma in performance or a related field, or you qualify for Recognition of Prior Learning by virtue of your professional track record, you can apply for the Certified Actor designation. Applications and ongoing accreditation are handled by SAGA and SACIA, renowned for professionalising the local AV industry.

SAGA members and Professional Actors stand tall, bringing respect and excellence to the art and craft of acting in South Africa.

For more information, download the fact-sheet below, visit or email

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