SA Guild of Actors

A Powerful, Unified Voice for Actors' Rights


Exposing Human Rights Abuse in South African Film Industry

It was inevitable. The lack of regulation in the entertainment industry has yielded toxic fruit: once unethical and exploitative practices have descended into blatant criminality. Who could have predicted that Human Trafficking would be taking place in the local film and television industry and right under the noses of the various government agencies responsible for protecting the most vulnerable among us? While the term conjures up images of child soldiers and sex slaves, Human Trafficking also includes a range of labour abuses.

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Jack Devnarain Presentation on the Impact of A.I. on Performer Rights [VIDEO]

Technology has always evolved and actors have learned to adapt and upskill. However, generative AI is a different game player, as it can generate new, realistic content, for the first time. We are in a race against time to develop policy and regulatory frameworks that protect actors’ rights to their own image and likeness.

Jack Devnarain Presentation on the Impact of A.I. on Performer Rights [VIDEO] Read More »

Copyright and Performers Protection Amendment Bills Face Sustained Headwinds on their Passage into Law

The Copyright and Performers Protection Amendment Bills continue to provide some hope for the rights of actors to be entrenched in law. The Bills have, for the second time, been passed by the National Assembly and are now awaiting approval from the National Council of Provinces, which is expected by the end of September 2023.

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SA Protocols for Intimate Content in TV, Film & the Media

In film, television, digital media and the interactive world, nudity, intimacy and simulated sex often have an important role to play in the telling of a story. Although performances in these scenes convey strong feelings and powerful emotions to an audience, which can be integral to a storyline, we also recognise the unique vulnerabilities that

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