SA Guild of Actors


Exposing Human Rights Abuse in South African Film Industry

It was inevitable. The lack of regulation in the entertainment industry has yielded toxic fruit: once unethical and exploitative practices have descended into blatant criminality. Who could have predicted that Human Trafficking would be taking place in the local film and television industry and right under the noses of the various government agencies responsible for protecting the most vulnerable among us? While the term conjures up images of child soldiers and sex slaves, Human Trafficking also includes a range of labour abuses.

Exposing Human Rights Abuse in South African Film Industry Read More »

Do you have Financial Freedom?

The notion of Financial Planning has many of us freelancers burying our heads in the sand. And for good reason; our income is erratic at best and our job security is nonexistent. As independent contractors we enjoy none of those safety-nets afforded the regular nine-to-fivers: pension fund; paid leave, including sick-leave; unemployment insurance; medical aid and access to workman’s compensation and, for those fortunate enough in these tough economic times, an annual bonus. No, we’re independent contractors, we’re free agents.

Do you have Financial Freedom? Read More »

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